When a client comes to Janus they are often unaware of themselves fully, and as a consequence unaware of their true needs.
What is created in our counselling space, is the opportunity for the client to explore their relationship with themselves, and this is achieved through the relationship that is built with the therapist.
This relationship allows the client to develop insight into themselves and others, so they can start to understand their needs and the way they have responded to situations in the past.
A fundamental aspect of our work is to help clients recognise that they have choice. The client is given the space to explore how in the past, they have used real issues such as pain, escapism, pressure or emotions in unhealthy ways. This allows the client to better understand themselves with the management and use of their emotions.
The relationship formed between the client and the therapist is a special one formed without judgement. Through this relationship attempts are made to allow the client to see how their relationships and behaviours have impacted on their life. Through this process choices are created and responsibility is given back to the client. Within the context of the client’s life experiences, they are encouraged to understand better both the negative side of ‘self’ and the positive side of ‘self’, allowing them to develop a healthier relationship with their ‘whole’ self rather than just a ‘part’ of themselves.
The counsellor and client relationship is based on trust and acceptance, aiming to increase self awareness within the client, and allowing the opportunity to develop new and healthier relationships and behaviour. The client is encouraged to stay present in their ‘here and now’, removing from them their previous use of justifications that legitimised negative or unhealthy behaviour.