‘Full’ Lockdown began on March 23rd although people had started to voluntarily keep themselves safe before. Schools, restaurants, building suppliers. Carpet fitters, and virtually all other […]
Addict.v addict.adj classic Latin, addictus (‘assigned by decree, made over, bound, devoted.’) Past parcipatale of addicere, (‘to assign, to make over by sale or auction, to […]
Unknown soldier. I’d known ‘Joe’ since Primary. He went to school with my older brother. He came from what you would call a working-class environment. Working […]
On Monday August 26 in America, Johnson and Johnson (they were only one of thirteen named plaintiffs in the case) were fined $572 million dollars for […]
‘De-habilitation’ “It was 1998 when I first went the kaleidoscope project. It was started in 1968 – allegedly the first place in England to provide methadone […]
Set up. “After a long period of time in an integrated treatment programme, service users should have fully understood the relationship they had with their substance […]